Building the Future
My housemate and I watched the movie Greenland last night. In it, a comet is going to wipe out all life on Earth, and the governments of the world pick and choose who will be put into bunkers to repopulate and rebuild. What a scary thought—not the thought of an ELE(extinction level event) but the government deciding who gets to rebuild society and who doesn’t. It’s not something that needs to be imagined; we are witnessing it now.
Though the “pandemic” is not an ELE, it is being treated as one by many in government, the media, and among the super-rich. This is their time to move, to rebuild society in their image and likeness. Part of this rebuilding is removing certain ideas, voices, and the Savior, Jesus Christ, from the equation.
I refer to Him as the Savior rather than just as Jesus Christ because they don’t mind the person Jesus. The teacher, Jesus. The emasculated Jesus. The hippie Jesus. He is allowed to stay along with Buddha, Atheism, Hinduism, and other religious beliefs and figures that will allow themselves to be blended into the society these folks want to create. Buddie Jesus can stay, and so can his people, but Savior Jesus and His people have to go because, in the minds of our new gods, they can not be the gods they need to be if any other god is put before them.
So they close YouTube channels. Demand the censoring or deletion of X feeds. Ban books. Label as a homophobe or transphobe anyone who speaks the truth about biology and our identity. They think they can silence us. They believe they can win. This is because they do not know the Savior. And so as Jesus would not be silenced, neither shall we be.
Jesus spoke loudly from His cross while only uttering a few words. So, we must be willing to suffer. To have our voices taken away. The truth will not die no matter what is taken from us and done to us. They can not extinguish the Catholic Church or those of us with a true faith. We will continue to speak out. We will do our best to embrace our crosses. We must remember that the blood of the martyrs is the seed of the Church.
So, let them get on with their rebuilding, and we will continue to be thorns in their sides.
Human-written, AI spell-checked 3/22/21
Image from Derekpics on Pixaby